Collegial Leadership is a concept (in German: Kollegiale Führung) we created in the German-speaking world in 2016 with our book ‘Das kollegial geführte Unternehmen’ (The Collegially Managed Company), in which we summarised the entrepreneurial experience we had gained up to that point. Since then collegial leadership has become a basic element of agile organisational development – the topic of our 2019 book.
The collegially managed company – how we got here
In the first decade of this century, we noticed that the existing organisational and management practices in our own company were increasingly out of step with the needs of the market and employees. But we still lacked reliable models and templates for doing things differently.
Before leadership could become a natural part of the work of every member of our organisation, we had to experiment a lot, find the right theories, develop many of our own practices and principles, and recognise many mistakes.
In 2010, we started to hand over the management of our company to our colleagues, and a little later we replaced all managers with collegial leadership. Finally in 2014, we sold the company to the employees.
After we published the first books on the subject in 2016 and 2019, many organisations of all sizes and from all sectors have tested the collegial leadership model and adapted it to a greater or lesser extent. We were able to accompany some organisations and gain further first-hand experience.
At the same time, we have been able to support many hundreds of systemic organisational developers in further developing their skills and knowledge of agile and collegial organisational development.
Since then we used our new freedom as ex-entrepreneurs to help other entrepreneurs and their organisations to experiment with collegial and agile leadership principles, by providing tailored support for transformation and adaptation processes in businesses.
In order to share our entrepreneurial experience and systemic expertise even more effectively, we offer target group-specific workshops in addition to our publications.
Systemic organisational developer, consultant, trainer, coach and author with experience as an entrepreneur and supervisory board member since 2002.
Inspirational speaker for collegial organisations with experience as an entrepreneur since 1998. Speaker and author of internationally published books.