Werkstatt für Kollegiale Führung

Icon Werkstatt für Kollegiale Führung
Workshop for Collegial Leadership
Ideas and practices for the agile organization of tomorrow

After gai­ning expe­ri­ence in our own com­pa­nies, we see our­sel­ves as entre­pre­neurs and pio­neers for col­le­gi­al­ly mana­ged orga­ni­sa­ti­ons who have been able to inspi­re many other entre­pre­neurs with our know­ledge.

Claudia Schröder, Bernd Oestereich
Foto: Mari­on Schö­nen­ber­ger, David Chip­per­field Archi­tects Ber­lin, 7/2024

Clau­dia Schrö­der

Sys­te­mic orga­ni­sa­tio­nal deve­lo­per, con­sul­tant, trai­ner, coach and aut­hor with expe­ri­ence as an entre­pre­neur and super­vi­so­ry board mem­ber sin­ce 2002.

Bernd Oes­te­reich

Inspi­ra­tio­nal spea­k­er for col­le­gi­al orga­ni­sa­ti­ons with expe­ri­ence as an entre­pre­neur sin­ce 1998. Spea­k­er and aut­hor of inter­na­tio­nal­ly published books.